Sorry, InterSLIP Remote has not enough memory to read in its preferences. Defaults will be used. A new preferences file will be created on quit.
InterSLIP Remote could not locate the Preferences folder. It cannot load/save its preferences/log.
InterSLIP Remote could not open its preferences file. A new one will be created when you quit it. Defaults will be used.
InterSLIP Remote could not create its preferences file. Perhaps your System folder is locked.
InterSLIP Remote could not open its preferences file for writing.
InterSLIP Remote could not read its preferences file. Perhaps it is damaged. Proceed with caution. A new one will be created on quit. Defaults will be used.
InterSLIP Remote could not close its preferences file properly. Proceed with caution.
FATAL ERROR! InterSLIP Remote application is damaged - essential resources are missing! Get a new copy. (I'll quit)
InterSLIP Remote could not tell the InterSLIP driver to connect. Try again or reinstall InterSLIP; make sure the InterSLIP extension is loaded.
InterSLIP Remote could not tell the InterSLIP driver to disconnect. Try again or reinstall InterSLIP; make sure the InterSLIP extension is loaded.
InterSLIP Remote needs InterSLIP. It could not open the InterSLIP driver. The InterSLIP system extension has to be installed in the Extensions folder. (I'll quit)
InterSLIP Remote's request to the InterSLIP driver about the current connection state failed. Probably another program closed the ".InterSLIP driver". (I'll quit)
InterSLIP Remote could not write to its preferences file. Perhaps your System folder is locked.
Valid values for these fields are between 1 and 3600 seconds.
Could not play connection sound. I'm sorry.
Could not play connection sound. Either the 'snd ' 128 resource could not be found or there is not enough memory to load the sound.
I'm sorry, not enough memory to create 'Pref'-resource. Use the Finder's "Get Info" command to allocate more memory to InterSLIP Remote. Preferences are not saved. Old values will be used.
InterSLIP Remote could not find the 'Pref' 128 resource in its preferences file. Perhaps the preferences file is damaged or created by an earlier version. Defaults will be used; a new preferences file will be created on quit.
Sorry, IS-Remote could not add your last action to the log because there was not enough continuos free space in its application zone to enlarge the log. Allocate more memory to IS-Remote using "Get Info" from the Finder.
Because the preferences file could not be found, a new, empty log will be created. The log will be saved in the preferences file on quit.
The preferences file does not contain a log. Perhaps it is from an older version of InterSLIP-Remote. A new, empty log will be created. The log will be saved in the preferences file on quit.